Apply Today
Do you have the courage to act? The ability to perform? To be the one running into an emergency when everyone else is running out?
Full Time
We on occasion, hire full time firefighters. You can however apply anytime and we keep applications for one year.
Become a Career firefighter
When we hire full time firefighters we have a structured process that we go through. When we are hiring or about to we will make an announcement. You can however apply anytime and we keep applications for one year.
Full time applicants must pass a written test, agility test and oral interview along with qualifications below.
- High School Diploma
- Valid Driver’s License with a good driving record
- Eighteen (18) Years of Age by Date of Hire
- Hazardous Materials Awareness
- Emergency Medical Responder
- NIMS 100 & 700
- Firefighter I/II
- NIMS 200 & 800
- EMT Basic (required enrollment upon course availability)
- Hazardous Materials (within 365 days of hire)