Do you have what it takes?

The Georgetown Township Fire Protection District is looking for motivated individuals with strong morals and integrity to join our team.

Do you have what it takes?

The Georgetown Township Fire Protection District is looking for motivated individuals with strong morals and integrity to join our team.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Georgetown Township Fire Protection District is to provide quality fire, rescue, and emergency services to the residents of Georgetown Township.

Proposed Fire Territory Creation

Special Meeting

November 21, 2024 . 6:24 PM . ID: 486948029


00:01 – 00:03
[speaker unknown]

This conference will now be recorded.

00:07 – 00:08
Bill Banta

Good evening.

00:19 – 00:19
[speaker unknown]


00:20 – 00:21
Bill Banta

Thank you for coming this evening.

00:22 – 00:26
Bill Banta

This is a little unusual for us, so we’re going to sort of make it up as we go along.

00:27 – 00:31
Bill Banta

I ask for your uh, indulgence in case we look like we don’t know what we’re doing.

00:31 – 00:33
Bill Banta

That might actually be true for once.

00:34 – 00:35
Bill Banta

My name is Michael Moody.

00:35 – 00:37
Bill Banta

I’m the chairman of the Georgetown township, higher protection district.

00:38 – 00:45
Bill Banta

In order to quantify this as a public meeting, um, what I’d like to do is I’ll do a roll call with the Georgetown board members.

00:45 – 00:50
Bill Banta

And once we show that we have a quorum, then Franklin township would also like to do the same thing.

00:50 – 00:53
Bill Banta

They’ll do a roll call of their members and show they have a quorum.

00:54 – 00:58
Bill Banta

And we have some guests from new Albany township here, but I don’t believe that they have a quorum yet tonight.

00:58 – 01:03
Bill Banta

So they’re here in information mode, but this will be a legal public meeting.

01:04 – 01:07
Bill Banta

So for Georgetown, Mark Ringenberg.

01:07 – 01:07
Bill Banta


01:07 – 01:08
Bill Banta

Davis here.

01:08 – 01:09
Bill Banta


01:09 – 01:10
Bill Banta

Gary Kleeman.

01:10 – 01:10
Bill Banta


01:11 – 01:11
Bill Banta

Ed Thomas.

01:11 – 01:12
Bill Banta


01:12 – 01:15
Bill Banta

Jeffrey McNulty, who is online.

01:17 – 01:17
Bill Banta


01:18 – 01:18
Bill Banta

You got me.

01:19 – 01:19
Bill Banta


01:19 – 01:19
Bill Banta

Travis Sharp.

01:20 – 01:20
Bill Banta


01:20 – 01:22
Bill Banta

Okay, so just know that we have a quorum for Georgetown.

01:23 – 01:25
Bill Banta

I’ll pass it over to Franklin Township.

01:26 – 01:30
Bill Banta

Ann Heimkamp, Joe Ziegelt is here.

01:30 – 01:33
Bill Banta

Joe Ziegelt is out of the state’s field.

01:34 – 01:34
Bill Banta

We’ll do that before.

01:35 – 01:36
Bill Banta


01:37 – 01:38
Bill Banta

Kyle, you want to go ahead?

01:38 – 01:39
Bill Banta

Kyle, good to see you.

01:39 – 01:41
Bill Banta

Great to see everybody.

01:43 – 01:44
Bill Banta

Thank you, Trev.

01:46 – 01:47
Bill Banta

You’ll bear with me for one minute.

01:49 – 01:57
Bill Banta

The purpose of this meeting today is to have a public presentation of some of the information related to a fire territory.

01:58 – 02:04
Bill Banta

I have a PowerPoint presentation about 30 slides should take 15-20 minutes.

02:05 – 02:12
Bill Banta

We are set up today for a first look at this presentation and then.

02:15 – 02:21
Bill Banta

If any of the board members have a question we’ll have a discussion about that, we are not for public comments.

02:22 – 02:24
Bill Banta

We are gonna have a lot of public meetings.

02:24 – 02:25
Bill Banta

We definitely want the public involved.

02:26 – 02:29
Bill Banta

It’s just the first time we’ve done a meeting like this in this environment.

02:29 – 02:31
Bill Banta

We’re gonna try and do this as simple as possible.

02:31 – 02:34
Bill Banta

So we’re not set up for public comments tonight.

02:34 – 02:37
Bill Banta

So I’m gonna go ahead and we’ll get started.

02:37 – 02:46
Bill Banta

I appreciate everybody’s taking time out of their busy schedule and did not know when we set this meeting.

02:46 – 02:50
Bill Banta

So hopefully the weather will hold off and never been able to get home from sleep.

02:51 – 02:55
Bill Banta

So the purpose of this meeting is to discuss fire territory.

02:56 – 02:58
Bill Banta

Why create a fire territory?

02:59 – 03:04
Bill Banta

A fire territory will allow us to better align fire protection with the community’s needs.

03:04 – 03:09
Bill Banta

They’ll provide professional fire protection for Franklin Township and Southern New Albany Township.

03:10 – 03:14
Bill Banta

They’ll provide one command structure, which will increase efficiencies.

03:15 – 03:17
Bill Banta

You can see there are several bullet holes.

03:17 – 03:23
Bill Banta

It also will provide appropriate sustained professional fire protection for the community.

03:24 – 03:27
Bill Banta

The reality is that the current district model is not sustainable.

03:30 – 03:36
Bill Banta

We’ll go into just a little bit of the history pretty quick and we’ll move on into the information that probably everybody’s very much interested in.

03:37 – 03:42
Bill Banta

This community was very ably served by volunteer corporations for many years.

03:43 – 03:48
Bill Banta

The problem is that the volunteer model just doesn’t apply in today’s world, in this community.

03:48 – 03:50
Bill Banta

And there are several reasons.

03:50 – 03:52
Bill Banta

People don’t live and work in the same area.

03:53 – 03:56
Bill Banta

It used to be you’d leave your house, you’d go to where you work, and you were in the same area.

03:57 – 04:03
Bill Banta

And if something happened during the day, most businesses would allow the volunteer firefighters to leave work and go fight a fire.

04:04 – 04:07
Bill Banta

Most of our people work in mobile or in other communities.

04:07 – 04:13
Bill Banta

So the ability to take care of their own community through volunteer service just doesn’t work the way it used to.

04:13 – 04:19
Bill Banta

Plus, being a firefighter is much more de-prospect than it was years ago.

04:19 – 04:24
Bill Banta

The clean that’s required, the equipment that’s required, the volunteer model just doesn’t work.

04:25 – 04:27
Bill Banta

So, the legislator created districts.

04:28 – 04:35
Bill Banta

The idea was to provide a little bit of revenue, provide the resources necessary to have a professional fire service.

04:36 – 04:39
Bill Banta

Unfortunately, the revenue has not paced with the needs of the community.

04:39 – 04:42
Bill Banta

Once you’ve set a district, that’s your revenue.

04:43 – 04:46
Bill Banta

And this district’s been in 2007.

04:47 – 04:50
Bill Banta

And Albany Townships has been in 2007.

04:51 – 04:57
Bill Banta

There are ways to increase the revenue a little bit, but it just is not able to keep up with the needs of the fire department.

04:59 – 05:00
Bill Banta

So what is a fire territory?

05:01 – 05:08
Bill Banta

The Indiana legislature created a newer method or model to provide fire protection, and it’s called a fire territory.

05:09 – 05:22
Bill Banta

That is when two or more taxing units, townships, municipalities, or districts that share physical boundaries, join together to form a fire territory that allows us to consolidate fire services.

05:22 – 05:24
Bill Banta

For a long time, that wasn’t desirable.

05:25 – 05:27
Bill Banta

Everybody wanted their own little fire department.

05:27 – 05:32
Bill Banta

We’re starting to learn that in today’s world that may not be as efficient or as effective.

05:33 – 05:43
Bill Banta

So the Georgetown Township Fire Protection District was approached by the New Albany Township Fire District and Franklin Township to jointly merge into a fire territory.

05:44 – 05:47
Bill Banta

And we’re calling it the Floyd County Fire Territory.

05:51 – 05:55
Bill Banta

These will work together to create a master plan for the new territory.

05:55 – 06:01
Bill Banta

The plan is to try and do that between now and the end of the year, first week or two next year.

06:02 – 06:06
Bill Banta

We are proposed that Georgetown be what is called the providing agency.

06:06 – 06:11
Bill Banta

New Albany Township and Franklin Township will be participating agencies.

06:12 – 06:15
Bill Banta

The proposal is that Chief Ned Wiseman would be the chief of the territory.

06:16 – 06:20
Bill Banta

Chief Tim Franklin would be the deputy chief of the territory.

06:21 – 06:27
Bill Banta

All current firefighters employed by both existing apartments would be employed by the department.

06:28 – 06:38
Bill Banta

And the existing labor agreement between local 5393 and Georgetown Fire Department would be the commitment for the employees.

06:41 – 06:50
Bill Banta

Between January 1st and March 31st, 2025, each entity must hold at least three public meetings to educate the community.

06:50 – 06:58
Bill Banta

There’s been some discussion, maybe the three entities are in a similar format to this, but that hasn’t been decided.

06:59 – 07:01
Bill Banta

And there has to be at least the fourth meeting.

07:01 – 07:03
Bill Banta

I’m still figuring out some of the nuances.

07:03 – 07:07
Bill Banta

You have to vote on a resolution twice, two separate meetings.

07:07 – 07:09
Bill Banta

They’d have to be so many days apart.

07:10 – 07:12
Bill Banta

That’s why we have the wonderful legal staff.

07:13 – 07:18
Bill Banta

Each board, they’ll figure out to make sure that we do this directly.

07:19 – 07:27
Bill Banta

If that all happens, then in the next summer, summer of 2025, the DLGF will work with the new territory on a budget for 2026.

07:28 – 07:32
Bill Banta

And then effective January 1st, 2026, the new territory will take effect.

07:33 – 07:38
Bill Banta

And because this comes up quite often, the original three entities don’t disappear.

07:39 – 07:51
Bill Banta

New Albany Township Fire District, Georgetown Township Fire District, those stay in effect because the legislature has provided the opportunity that if you ever wanted to untangling, you could.

07:52 – 07:55
Bill Banta

Just as a placeholder, they don’t go away.

07:56 – 08:02
Bill Banta

So a little bit of history, highlighting Georgetown because that’s what I’m most familiar with.

08:02 – 08:06
Bill Banta

I started with Georgetown over 20 years ago as a volunteer firefighter.

08:06 – 08:10
Bill Banta

I’ve been on the board now 10 to 15 years.

08:11 – 08:19
Bill Banta

So I pulled this historical data just to kind of give us a snapshot of where we started and where we’re proposing to go.

08:20 – 08:25
Bill Banta

So to do this form, the line across the top is the tax rate.

08:27 – 08:36
Bill Banta

If we look at the last 10 years, 10 years ago in 2014, it was $0.35 for $100 of assessed value.

08:37 – 08:41
Bill Banta

And over the past 10 years, that tax rate has decreased 37%.

08:44 – 08:47
Bill Banta

Georgetown has never gone to the community and asked for more money.

08:48 – 08:53
Bill Banta

We also have zero debt, so we’re not paying any interest with the money that we have been provided by the community.

08:55 – 09:16
Bill Banta

But my tax rate’s been decreasing, so much so that we opened Session 1 in Downwardstown in October of 2022 and then in April of 2007.

09:18 – 09:25
Bill Banta

Between April and September this year, we’ve got at least 35 instances where both the stations were responding to runs.

09:27 – 09:39
Bill Banta

So the service that the community is expecting to get is a lot different than it was several years ago, but the revenue to that has not kept pace.

09:42 – 09:51
Bill Banta

So currently, the service that’s provided in the three areas, Georgetown Fire has station one, which is downtown Georgetown.

09:52 – 09:55
Bill Banta

It has three firefighters on station 24 seven.

09:56 – 10:02
Bill Banta

Station 2, where we are right here, has four firefighters on 24-7.

10:02 – 10:06
Bill Banta

We also have a battalion chief on each ship 24-7.

10:08 – 10:13
Bill Banta

We have a deputy chief work 40 hours a week, but in reality they’re on call 24-7.

10:14 – 10:24
Bill Banta

If you all have any township at the Charlestown Roads, and they have three firefighters, 24-7, and they have a chief and a deputy chief 40 hours a week and on call 24-7.

10:24 – 10:31
Bill Banta

And Franklin Township temporarily contracts with Georgetown to provide fire protection service in their area.

10:34 – 10:41
Bill Banta

We are proposing that the territory would increase the fire protection of current parade.

10:42 – 10:53
Bill Banta

We would fully staff Bud Road 24-7 with the idea that I’m not sure that that location is the correct location for that area of our territory.

10:54 – 11:00
Bill Banta

So, within a short period of time, we would be looking, is that really the best location?

11:00 – 11:05
Bill Banta

Or do we need to look at building a station someplace else to better serve the community?

11:06 – 11:12
Bill Banta

We also are proposing to increase staffing at Charlestown Road Station from three to four firefighters, 24-7.

11:13 – 11:16
Bill Banta

We want to add a battalion chief each ship.

11:17 – 11:23
Bill Banta

The statute also requires a territory by fire prevention and education.

11:23 – 11:27
Bill Banta

We’re able to time staff position of the fire marshal.

11:27 – 11:33
Bill Banta

They would help prevent fires, work on fire prevention, and also proper code compliance.

11:34 – 11:35
Bill Banta

What does that look like?

11:37 – 11:41
Bill Banta

Working with command staff, Georgetown, and New Albany Township, this is the proposal.

11:42 – 11:47
Bill Banta

I know this is somewhat of an eye chart, So, I’ll try and explain this just a little bit.

11:48 – 11:56
Bill Banta

You have your command staff here, and think of this as two pieces, equally, district one and district two.

11:56 – 12:03
Bill Banta

District one is the legacy of Albany Township, and district two is the legacy of Albany Township.

12:04 – 12:06
Bill Banta

We run three shifts.

12:06 – 12:08
Bill Banta

We call them A, B, C.

12:08 – 12:22
Bill Banta

So, they rotate, so A shift starts Monday, B shift comes on Tuesday, C-shift comes on Wednesday, then Thursday is A-shift and just continually rotate 24 hours on, 48 hours off.

12:23 – 12:31
Bill Banta

On A-shift, engine 2 is down at station 1 in Georgetown and it shows three firecrackers on that apparatus.

12:32 – 12:35
Bill Banta

Ladder 2 is at Georgetown station to.

12:38 – 12:56
Bill Banta

Each ship and here we’re proposing would be a bud road and have three beat firefighters ladder 49 would be at the Charleston road station and have four firefighters 24-7 and that repeats.

13:00 – 13:14
Bill Banta

Would be the full-time training on 40 hours a week as the equivalent officer and an admin assistant.

13:16 – 13:26
Bill Banta

We have not fully fleshed out exactly what the admin assistant’s roles will be, whether it will initially be a part-time position or will be a 40 hour a week position.

13:27 – 13:32
Bill Banta

But one thing we’ve identified is we think that we want that position to have a back-to-back relationship.

13:32 – 13:36
Bill Banta

We want to start moving to where the department needs to be within a couple of years.

13:37 – 13:46
Bill Banta

And getting somebody in that learns about the department and help with employee management, we think that’s an important role for a department of this size.

13:47 – 13:52
Bill Banta

This proposal is 54 employees, 52 firefighters.

13:53 – 13:58
Bill Banta

And we’re taking the dollars and we’re putting in them to the fire service and providing it to the community.

14:02 – 14:07
Bill Banta

New proposing as the budget in order to do what we just looked at.

14:08 – 14:26
Bill Banta

This budget provides for the pay and benefits for the employees, all of the other services, which is accounting, legal, training, all the things that a fire department needs to have to function appropriately.

14:27 – 14:31
Bill Banta

So how do we get from this to where we need to go?

14:31 – 14:38
Bill Banta

And some of you may understand this, I apologize if I’m talking about stuff that you already understand, but some may not fully understand this.

14:41 – 14:45
Bill Banta

The first thing you need to do is you calculate the net assessed value of your territory.

14:47 – 14:55
Bill Banta

You notice across the top, 2024 is the first column, and 2025, they both say certified.

14:55 – 14:59
Bill Banta

All of these numbers for the rest of this presentation were prepared by Baker Tiller.

15:00 – 15:03
Bill Banta

I’m not smart enough to do this, they know what they’re doing, they’re the experts.

15:03 – 15:09
Bill Banta

So, 2024 and 2025, that means they know what those numbers are.

15:09 – 15:13
Bill Banta

If you notice for 2026, 2027, and 2028, there’s no increase.

15:14 – 15:17
Bill Banta

So, what Baker-Tilley done is the best case scenario.

15:18 – 15:23
Bill Banta

Property values in this area, good for everybody, increase year over year.

15:23 – 15:25
Bill Banta

They are assuming no increase.

15:27 – 15:29
Bill Banta

Yes, you could say that property values would go down.

15:29 – 15:34
Bill Banta

It just hasn’t happened across the net assessed value.

15:35 – 15:37
Bill Banta

What that means is that’s worst case scenario.

15:38 – 15:46
Bill Banta

If property values increase in 26, 27, or 28, the tax rate would be lower than what you’re going to see in the rest of this presentation.

15:49 – 15:52
Bill Banta

It took me a while to figure that out, and I still sometimes stumble on it.

15:54 – 16:01
Bill Banta

So working with the proposed 26 budget and the net assessed value, what’s the impact to the community?

16:03 – 16:08
Bill Banta

This is the current revenue that the three entities get for fire protection.

16:09 – 16:18
Bill Banta

If you notice, the New Albany Township Fire, the second column down, $298 ,677.

16:20 – 16:27
Bill Banta

Earlier this year, New Albany Township District filed what’s called a 10-year population increase appeal.

16:28 – 16:31
Bill Banta

It’s one of the ways that you can try and increase the revenue for a district.

16:32 – 16:39
Bill Banta

Baker Tilly has calculated that they will be approved, they expect, and they calculate the amount at that $290.

16:40 – 16:46
Bill Banta

So that is the money that New Albany County District will receive in 2025.

16:47 – 16:50
Bill Banta

They didn’t get it this year, but they expect to get it next year.

16:50 – 16:53
Bill Banta

If you notice, that is blank for Georgetown.

16:53 – 16:57
Bill Banta

Georgetown did not file that 10-year population appeal this year.

16:58 – 17:00
Bill Banta

We are going to do that next year.

17:00 – 17:04
Bill Banta

And I’m going to come back to explain why that’s important.

17:07 – 17:13
Bill Banta

This shows the projected tax rate based on 2025.

17:14 – 17:20
Bill Banta

So this shows the 10-year population appeal for New Albany Township Fire.

17:20 – 17:21
Bill Banta

It does not show one for Georgetown.

17:22 – 17:28
Bill Banta

As you can see, Franklin Township is not really paying a lot of money for fire protection currently.

17:28 – 17:34
Bill Banta

So in order for us to provide professional fire protection, that’s going to have to change a little bit.

17:37 – 17:42
Bill Banta

The legislature recognizes that they don’t want to put it behind the eight falls the way I phrase it.

17:44 – 17:53
Bill Banta

The territory gets its money from property taxes, which are paid in the spring and the fall, which means you really won’t get any revenue until those checks start coming in in the spring.

17:54 – 18:02
Bill Banta

So the legislature allows you to collect a little bit extra the first year to create a cash cushion, up to 20%.

18:02 – 18:07
Bill Banta

So as we go through, I’m going to start showing you the actual length of the barriers.

18:09 – 18:16
Bill Banta

That’s decent because we’re going to collect the cushion, and I’ll show you that here in a second.

18:17 – 18:19
Bill Banta

But that cash cushion is only for one year.

18:19 – 18:21
Bill Banta

You only collect it for one year.

18:22 – 18:24
Bill Banta

So this is the impact for Franklin Town.

18:26 – 18:31
Bill Banta

Think of this three-bucket, this is your residential estate where you have your home residential.

18:32 – 18:37
Bill Banta

This is farmland and other residential, and this is commercial property.

18:37 – 18:45
Bill Banta

You may be familiar with the 1%, 2%, and 3% that were added to the state constitution 10 years ago or so.

18:45 – 19:00
Bill Banta

Just for illustration, if we look at the $200 ,000 assessed value, 2024 baseline, current taxes are $1 ,242.27 per year.

19:02 – 19:14
Bill Banta

In twigs with the territory, the tax will be $1 ,589.60, an annual change of $347, or a monthly change of just about $29.

19:14 – 19:15
Bill Banta


19:15 – 19:19
Bill Banta

It’s a big jump because Franklin Township is not paying a lot.

19:19 – 19:26
Bill Banta

If we take that to the next column, 2027, you’ll see that it actually decreases.

19:27 – 19:30
Bill Banta

It decreases $45.83.

19:31 – 19:35
Bill Banta

There’s a slight increase of $11 for the entire year.

19:35 – 19:41
Bill Banta

Baker-tilley calculates a 4% revenue increase 26 to 27, 27 to 28.

19:43 – 19:47
Bill Banta

There are a lot of notes down here in the bottom that explain some of the logic.

19:48 – 19:51
Bill Banta

Baker-tilley usually these numbers.

19:52 – 19:54
Bill Banta

I’ll let Baker-Tilley really get into the details.

19:54 – 20:04
Bill Banta

Our plan is that when we have these public meetings after the first year, Baker-Tilley will be standing up here and talking to people so they can explain what the numbers mean and how they calculate them.

20:04 – 20:11
Bill Banta

And also their questions on what the numbers were calculated and how they were calculated, and they can answer those questions that I can.

20:13 – 20:26
Bill Banta

So, New Albany Township, using the same $200 ,000 gross to assess value of home in 2024, the annual taxes are $1 ,364.76.

20:29 – 20:35
Bill Banta

Baker-tilley calculated the 2026 number based on 2024.

20:36 – 20:48
Bill Banta

So that value of $1 ,582.77, which is an increase of $212 is from 2024 to 2028.

20:49 – 20:56
Bill Banta

And your population levy appeal, they did the actual increase from 2025 to 2026 is less.

20:56 – 21:00
Bill Banta

It’s from 1391.88 to 1582.77.

21:00 – 21:07
Bill Banta

It’s about $180 for the year, which would be about $15 for a month.

21:08 – 21:11
Bill Banta

Again, you can see in 2027, it goes down.

21:11 – 21:17
Bill Banta

About $45, $46, and then there’s about an $11 a year increase in 2028.

21:19 – 21:25
Bill Banta

Georgetown’s broken up into two buckets, Georgetown Township and Georgetown Town, so I’ve got two charts to show you.

21:25 – 21:31
Bill Banta

This is Georgetown Township, using the same example, 200 ,000 gross assess value.

21:31 – 21:32
Bill Banta

It will change.

21:36 – 21:36
[speaker unknown]


22:23 – 22:41
Bill Banta

So again, the 2026 projection here is based on the 2020, the first call, And it’s projecting a $195 increase in 2026, about $16.30 for a month.

22:42 – 22:47
Bill Banta

I’m going to come back to that in a moment because I talked earlier about the 10-year population peels.

22:47 – 22:54
Bill Banta

But just in full fairness, I’m going to show you the exact same charts as the Franklin Township and the Albany Township, but I’m going to come back to this in just a second.

22:54 – 23:05
Bill Banta

So, Georgetown town saved $195 annual increase 2024 to 2026.

23:07 – 23:12
Bill Banta

But as I said, Georgetown is going to file the 10-year population appeal.

23:13 – 23:16
Bill Banta

Baker-tilley has got it and run the calculations.

23:17 – 23:29
Bill Banta

They believe that we’re going to get just under $50 ,000 for annual increase, based on new tax rate will be that 850 per 100 assessed.

23:30 – 23:41
Bill Banta

What that means is the difference between we remain a district in 2026 versus if we go full territory in 2026.

23:42 – 23:43
Bill Banta

That’s that’s the real.

23:52 – 23:54
Bill Banta

I’m sorry.

24:12 – 24:14
Bill Banta

You might know.

24:20 – 24:21
Bill Banta

Good news is we’re almost done.

24:51 – 25:06
Bill Banta

To recap what I was saying, trying to compare apples to apples, what is the difference or impact for the community to the taxpayer versus Georgetown remaining a district in 2026 or being a territory in 2026?

25:08 – 25:12
Bill Banta

So this would be the tax for a district.

25:12 – 25:15
Bill Banta

This would be the tax for a district.

25:15 – 25:21
Bill Banta

And for the 200 gross family example we’ve been using, the difference is $143.48.

25:21 – 25:22
Bill Banta


25:28 – 25:30
Bill Banta

Mean, it’s effectively the same numbers for the town.

25:35 – 25:36
[speaker unknown]


25:38 – 25:42
Bill Banta

I talked already about the cash – the tax rate.

25:43 – 25:44
Bill Banta

You can.

25:56 – 26:02
Bill Banta

– I think I’ve got one more slide.

26:42 – 26:59
Bill Banta

So this shows, and I’m sorry, it’s not labeled, but down here on the bottom right, this shows the tax rate for the territory for 2026, 2027, and 2028, and you can see that it goes down in 2027, and there’s a very slight increase for 2028.

26:59 – 27:05
Bill Banta

This also shows the CUBE fund, which is the capital expenditures.

27:06 – 27:11
Bill Banta

The district spends, I’m sorry, the territories to be a little bit different than the way districts do.

27:12 – 27:17
Bill Banta

You do not spend out of your operating budget for capital expenses in the territory.

27:17 – 27:19
Bill Banta

You use your community funds for that.

27:22 – 27:25
Bill Banta

For the board members, any questions?

27:27 – 27:30
Bill Banta

I know it’s a lot of information that gets thrown at you right now.

27:30 – 27:31
Bill Banta

That’s the reason why we’re doing this.

27:32 – 27:33
Bill Banta

We want you to be able to think about it.

27:33 – 27:36
Bill Banta

If you have questions, we’re gonna set up more public meetings.

27:37 – 27:39
Bill Banta

We can have a public dialogue.

27:39 – 27:43
Bill Banta

We want to make sure that the public has the opportunity to weigh in.

27:44 – 27:50
Bill Banta

But instead of overwhelming the board members who are seeing this for the first time, we want to allow you an opportunity to see this.

27:50 – 27:53
Bill Banta

And then the next step will be more public dialogue.

27:58 – 28:00
Bill Banta

I’m not seeing any hands up.

28:00 – 28:01
Bill Banta


28:01 – 28:07
Bill Banta

Michael, will copies of this presentation be provided to the board members so they can go through a little more detailed app.

28:10 – 28:15
Bill Banta

We’ve also talked about a decision at Georgetown whether they put it on our website.

28:16 – 28:19
Bill Banta

We have some issues to make some decisions on it.

28:19 – 28:23
Bill Banta

It’s more appropriate but yes this is a now a public document.

28:23 – 28:27
Bill Banta

It has been provided to the public and will be available for anybody who wants to look at.

28:29 – 28:30
Bill Banta


28:30 – 28:31
Bill Banta

Any questions?

28:32 – 28:38
Bill Banta

Future public meetings will move around the county Yeah, we want to do work so that the community can be involved.

28:39 – 28:48
Bill Banta

We did this here today, the location, but if we can set up some place, we’ll keep doing it.

28:48 – 28:49
Bill Banta

We have a place.

28:50 – 28:50
Bill Banta


28:51 – 28:53
Bill Banta

We can do this one with you at your place.

28:54 – 28:56
Bill Banta

And I know you’re a little limited on space in Franklin Township.

28:57 – 29:00
Bill Banta

We rely either on you or between you two.

29:00 – 29:01
Bill Banta

It is.

29:01 – 29:04
Bill Banta

We do not have any safe code.

29:05 – 29:05
Bill Banta


29:05 – 29:17
Bill Banta

Yeah, the idea though is that this is not all happening here, but we’re getting community and we’re able to engage on this, because we realize this is a big problem.

29:18 – 29:22
Bill Banta

What this provides for the future of fire protection in this area.

29:23 – 29:36
Bill Banta

And I feel a little bit of a shock for some people to see it, but if you talk to people who are involved in fire protection in this You get a story where they’re like, yeah, this is not only a good idea, this is a very good idea.

29:36 – 29:39
Bill Banta

We need to do this.

29:39 – 29:40
Bill Banta

Joy, I see you.

29:58 – 30:01
Bill Banta

Good evening, I’m Joe and the president of the.

30:02 – 30:04
Bill Banta

Firefighters Union 53-93.

30:08 – 30:12
Bill Banta

We’d like to express our backing.

30:13 – 30:19
Bill Banta

We would say to proceed forward with this, our members are in total.

30:21 – 30:33
Bill Banta

Georgetown Professional Firefighters Union movement, the merger of New Albany County and Georgetown to create a better service and positively impact our community if we feel this is a necessity.

30:34 – 30:36
Bill Banta

We can arrive at the present.

30:37 – 30:42
Bill Banta

The tour, what we need to move forward is the best opportunity.

31:35 – 31:36
[speaker unknown]


32:07 – 32:08
[speaker unknown]


33:04 – 33:05
[speaker unknown]


33:39 – 33:40
[speaker unknown]


34:16 – 34:18
[speaker unknown]


34:46 – 34:48
[speaker unknown]


35:55 – 35:56
[speaker unknown]



Becoming a firefighter with the Georgetown Township Fire Protection District may be one of the most rewarding things you ever do.


In 1961 Georgetown Township Volunteer Fire Department was formed. An oil tanker was purchased and converted to be used as the first fire truck.


Meet our leadership team that are providing quality fire, rescue, and emergency services to the residents of Georgetown Township.
Come meet the team.

Become a Firefighter

Firefighting is a very rewarding and valuable way to serve your community. It takes dedication and many hours of training to become a firefighter.

A history you Can Trust

The mission of the Georgetown Township Fire Protection District is to provide quality fire, rescue, and emergency services to the residents of Georgetown Township.


Community Safty is Our Starting Point

The Georgetown Township Fire Protection District always strives to be proactive in the fire service and has developed many procedures and systems that are still in use today.



Being a firefighter requires a significant amount of time investment in training. We will invest in your training, and we want to make sure you complete the training.


Do you have what it takes to be a Firefighter?

If so then become a firefighter.  The Georgetown Township Fire Protection District is looking for motivated individuals with strong morals and integrity to join our team.