The training division has been hard at work in April keeping our staff busy with a multitude of different trainings. We have begun our annual update of business preplans to assist us with knowing our business hazards, we have 1 member that has completed a train the trainer course for Ethanol Emergencies, we have 2 staff members in a Fire Fighter I/II class that have completed the state requirement for mandatory firefighter, hazmat awareness and operations, technical rescue awareness, SIDS, and autism. Crew trainings have been on pump theory, water supply, anatomy, rope rescue, flow path management, engine company operations, truck company operations, hose advancement, fire attack, and drivers training just to name a few. Our training’s have been built around strengthening our basic fundamentals and gaining knowledge in more complicated area.
Moreover, we are finishing our CPR instruction at Highland Hills Middle School for the seventh grade. We assist the health teachers with instruction on the fundamentals of CPR and chocking to certify students who pass a written and practical exam through the American Red Cross. We assist in teaching approximately 400 students from January through May. We have been doing this for several years now and this is a program that the district looks forward to.