The training division has been hard at work in August and September keeping our staff busy with a multitude of different training’s. We have sent staff to the Company Officer Academy, the Art of Reading Building Construction, as well as Truck and Engine Company Operations training with the Northern Ohio F.O.O.L.s. We also concluded a Module D class for new firefighters which gives new firefighters more knowledge and allows them to work independently with a crew without direct officer supervision. Crew training’s have been on pump operations, water supply, engine company operations, SCBA’s, hose advancement, airway management for EMS, and drivers training. Our training’s have been built around strengthening our basic fundamentals and gaining knowledge in more complicated area.
Moreover, we held in-house training for staff on CPR and AED certification/ re-certification. These training allow new staff to become familiar with the CPR and AED operations as well as a refresher for the veteran staff.