Picture of Written by <br>Georgetown Township FPD

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Georgetown Township FPD

The mission of the Georgetown Township Fire Protection District is to provide quality fire, rescue, and emergency services to the residents of Georgetown Township.

February 2015 Training Update

The training division continues to keep our staff busy in the month of February with a multitude of different trainings. We have completed drivers training for our full time staff on Ladder 2 and have now placed that apparatus into service. We have two full time staff members that completed certified in Spirometer training so we can test staff, annually, to ensure all members can function adequately while wearing a respirator. We have focused our crew training’s on PPE care and maintenance, EMS, drivers training, street familiarization, ropes and knots, SIDS, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Autism just to name a few.

Moreover, we have begun completing our annual CPR training for all of GTFD’s staff along with having staff complete required NIMS (National Incident Management System) training. Our trainings have been built around strengthening our basic fundamentals and gaining knowledge in more complicated area.

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