Picture of Written by <br>Georgetown Township FPD

Written by
Georgetown Township FPD

The mission of the Georgetown Township Fire Protection District is to provide quality fire, rescue, and emergency services to the residents of Georgetown Township.

Floyd County Fire Territory

Floyd County Fire Territory

In early 2024, Georgetown Township Fire Protection District (Georgetown Fire) was approached by
representatives of Franklin Township and asked if they could help our neighbors in southern Floyd County
with better fire protection.

Working together, along with County Leadership, it was decided that Georgetown Fire would enter into an
interlocal agreement to temporarily provide professional fire protection for the citizens of Franklin
Township – while working towards the creation of a Fire Territory.

In mid-Spring 2024, as the project was still getting started, New Albany Township Fire Protection District
contacted Georgetown Fire and inquired about also joining the e orts to create the Fire Territory. It was
agreed that including New Albany Township in discussions was logical. The structure of the Floyd County
Fire Territory would be Georgetown Fire as Provider Entity, and New Albany Township Fire Protection
District and Franklin Township as Participating Entities.

During the summer e orts moved quickly as the GTFPD Board created a Fire Territory sub-committee.
The sub-committee contracted with Baker Tilly, a Top Ten worldwide CPA firm and preeminent advisory
tax and assurance firm in Indiana. In late October, Baker Tilly was able to deliver a draft report
documenting the estimated tax impact to the community.

A presentation was created and shared first with Georgetown Fire Board and then employees of both fire

On November 21, 2024, a public joint Board Meeting was held at Georgetown Fire Station 2. Both GTFPD
Board, and Franklin Township Board attended with a quorum. Both Georgetown Fire Board of Trustees
and the Franklin Township Board adopted resolutions committing to work together to create the Floyd
County Fire Territory.

A second joint public Board Meeting was held Thursday January 2, 2025, 6:30pm at Georgetown Fire
Station 2. Both Georgetown Fire and New Albany Township District Board attended with a quorum and
adopted resolutions committing to working together to create the Floyd County Fire Territory.

In early January, Franklin Township Board of Trustees decided that it was not the right time to continue
participating in the creation of the Floyd County Fire Territory. All entities involved respect this decision
and are willing to resume discussions at a later time if desired.

The required 3 public meetings will be held 6:00pm at:
Pineview Government Center
Suite 104
2524 Corydon Pike
New Albany, Indiana 47150

On the following dates:
Thursday January 30, 2025
Thursday February 13, 2025
Thursday February 27, 2025
The adoption meeting will be held at 6:00pm:
Thursday March 13, 2025

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