The training division continues to strive to improve our staffs knowledge by keeping our staff busy with a multitude of different training’s. In the month of June GTFD staff have participated in Fire Investigation training at Fort Knox, a review of the Charleston 9 incident, and assisted GTPD with SIDS, Heroin, Child Abuse, and Hazmat, and a Heroin and Fentanyl class. We have focused our crew training’s on pumping operations, ladders, nozzle work, hose deployment, drivers training, engine company operations, and street familiarization just to name a few.
Moreover, we have completed a Module B class for District 9. This class covers all the basic education required of a firefighter as governed by IDHS. The class includes topics such as; Hazardous Materials Awareness, Operations, and Technical Rescue Awareness. This class is the second step in a firefighters education. Our training’s have been built around strengthening our basic fundamentals and gaining knowledge in more complicated area.