The training division continues to keep our staff busy in the month of June with a multitude of different trainings. We have 7 staff members that attended the Hazmat IQ Above the Line/ Below the Line training held at the Floyd County Government Center with other local departments and agencies. We also had Norfolk Southern Railroad in to conduct a Emergency Response to rail incidents for GTFD. We also have been assisting Harrison Township Volunteer Fire Department with the Firefighter I/II class they are hosting in which we have 2 staff members taking. We have focused our crew training’s on rope rescue training, swift water, drivers training, street familiarization, flow paths, fire behavior and engine company operations just to name a few.
Moreover, we are continuing to update our annual Preplans of businesses in our jurisdiction. This allows us to know the layout of the business and any hazards associated with businesses in our area. We have also begun the classroom portion of our annual EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operator Course) training. Our training’s have been built around strengthening our basic fundamentals and gaining knowledge in more complicated area.